The Royal Bee – Main Idea

Posted: September 22, 2011 in Language
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Now that we have been discussing main idea (the author’s message), and how to find it, I would like to apply it to the blog. Please post your response to the question ” What is the mian idea of The Royal Bee? Use evidence from the text and your own ideas to support your answer.”

Please use Word when composing your answer, then copy and pate it into the post.

  1. Thomas says:

    In the book The Royal Bee, by Eve Bunting, I think the main idea is to be honest. I believe this is the main idea because in the text, Song Ho explained to the judge that he was poor. This proves that he was honest to the judge, and that he is trustworthy. Also I know that when people are honest they are sometimes trustworthy.

  2. Cody says:

    The moral of the story The Royal Bee is you should not judge people by there clothing. I know this because the yangban were prejudice towards the sanmin because they could not afford better clothing than the yangban. We also know this because when Master Min allowed Song-ho into the school the students were like who is this rag boy he doesn’t deserve to be here but Song-ho proved to the students that he had enough knowledge to join the sodang school when Master Min tested him. This proves that you should not judge people by there cloths because it’s what’s inside that counts.

  3. Zachery says:

    I think the main idea in the Royal Bee is to always trust your heart I believe this because in the text song-ho did what his heart told him to do and he ended up in a school where he learned how to read and right. This tells us that song-ho believed in himself and he was right. I think this because in the text song-ho thought that he would win the royal bee contest and he did. This tells us that we should never listen to someone you don’t know.

  4. Gemma says:

    I think the main idea in the book The Royal Bee is rich, or poor, you can achieve great things if you just believe. I think this because Song-ho couldn’t go to school, but the master welcomed him anyway. This proves that our society undervalues poor people because they have less money. Also, Song-ho told himself every night, “When I learn to read and write, I will give my mother…” Notice how he says “when” and not “if”. This shows that he believes. This is why I think the main idea is rich, or poor, you can achieve great things if you just believe.

  5. Katie says:

    The Royal Bee

    I think in the book it is about a girl or a boy and a spelling bee
    and a bee. In the book the evidence is the boy and the mom was
    poor and Song ho wonted to go the school. The book is telling us
    the book wonted Song ho to go to school so he can help his mom
    out. The evidence is when it snowed he had to take a test and he
    know all the answer because when he was out side he was learning. The book is telling us when he went to the royal bee
    when he won he could help his mom and he could by stuff for
    his mom and him and Song ho wont be poor any more. And
    when he want to the bake to the school and when he won the royal bee Song ho want bake to the school to get his prizes .

    • Mr. Purdon says:

      Good effort here Katie. You have the ideas and evidence, but we need to work on making it get to the point and not ramble. You believe the main idea to be that Song-ho wanted to win the Royal Bee for his mom to help her out. Now you need to state what in the text proves this. For example ” I think the main idea of The Royal Bee is to never give up. I know this because in the text Song-ho did everything in his power to win so his mother would not have to work so hard. Also….”

  6. Damien says:

    In the text the Royal Bee Song Ho really needed to go to school and he did but Master Min broke the rules to let song ho, go to the Sodang School and get his education so he can give mother every thing as possible and get to go to the royal bee so he thanks master min for letting him go to the sodang school even thought he broke the rules he gave song ho what he wanted. But master min is a nice guy so that is why he let song ho go to the school but I think that master min would let others like song ho if they did the same stayed listed to the lesson by snowfall they would be in the class learning but staying warm and safe.

    • Mr. Purdon says:

      Okay Damien, you have evidence here, but you really haven’t stated the answer to the question “What is the main idea or the author’s message”. In other words what was the lesson????

  7. Yolanda sinoway says:

    The royal Bee

    The main Idea of Royal bee is that Song ho wanted to be the Royal bee .He would always help do the chores and he always wanted to go to school and read and write poetry. Then he actually got his wish of being the Royal bee. He would support her and love her. That is my answer of the Royal bee.

  8. megha shah says:

    The Bee Royal

    I liked the book Royal Bee! It was a good book .The book Royal Bee was all about Song-ho the small kid. This book at the starting seemed like a lesson to the media and it was true, the book did have a message for the media. Then when I started reading the book then I realized and changed my mind to a different idea. I said that its about the boy (Song-ho) and the school that he wanted to study and be smart. Then when I reached the end of the book then I got the whole message of this book. That poor rich anyone can do anything.

    • Mr. Purdon says:

      Good first attempt Megha. You certainly did get the main idea by the end. However, I wanted you to find the evidence to prove the main idea that rich or poor anyone can achieve anything!

  9. Kadi-Rose says:

    In the book The Royal Bee I am lead to believe that the main idea is to never underestimate people. I think this because in the text Master Min wasn’t allowed to teach Song-ho because of poverty. This proves that the society is judgmental and doesn’t understand that nobody is great than the next person in line. Since Master Min couldn’t teach Song-ho, he would wait outside of the ‘classroom’ door and listen in on the lessons. Master Min was fully aware that Song-ho was there. Breaking the law, Master Min allowed Song-ho to come into his class and be one of his students. Song-ho was a true student; he wanted to help his mother, so he paid attention the lessons that were given. His peers ended up voting Song-ho to be the lucky one to participate in the royal bee. He won. People underestimated him because of his looks and because he wasn’t as rich as everyone else in the class. If you give people a chance. You’ll feel better about yourself and make the other person feel good.

  10. Nadia says:

    In the story the royal bee, I think the main idea is…
    If you work hard, be brave and tell the truth you can reach SUCCSES.
    I believe this because in the story when the main character song-ho made it into the royal bee, the judges picked song-ho because he was brave enough to tell the truth of being a sangmin ( poor person) another reason why I think this is the main ides is song-ho worked very hard to make it into the royal bee!

  11. Jessy! says:

    The main idea of The Roal Bee was that a poor boy gets to go to school.The boy lived with his mother in a small house and didn’t get to eat a lot. If he did eat it would be not good and verry little.The reason I belive this is the main idea is because, the whole book is about going to school. He ends up learning a lot.Later he learns about this contest called The Roal Bee.Its were the govener tests your nollege and the winner gets a prize cow, and gold coins.The winner ends up to be the boy.And now he wants to impress his mother with his nollege.This shows us that, we should never give up and keep going because, like the boy, we might get a prize in return.

  12. Adam Kraft says:

    In the book the Royal Bee I think the main idea is to be honest because in the text at the Royal Bee Song-Ho says to the governor how he got to the Royal Bee and that won him the contest thus showing being honest is great for you and other people also honesty can help in all sorts of ways for example if you get in trouble tell the truth right off the bat instead of lying and then telling the truth you get in less trouble.

  13. austin says:

    I think the moral of the story is, always believe in yourself.
    I believe this because Song ho believed that he would get in
    School, he believed so he kept coming back and eventually
    Got accepted into school. This tells us that Song ho believed in himself.

    Also Song ho believed he would learn to read and write so
    He was good and did learn to read and write and was chosen to go to the royal bee. And won.

    This tells us that Song ho believed!!!

  14. Raja says:

    I think the main idea in the royal bee is don’t ever give up
    And keep on trying. I think this because in the book the boy
    Keep on helping his mom and never gave up and because he keep on doing his chores when she told him too. And I think that the maid idea is that because he keep on trying to go to school over and over, but then one day he got in. He was happy that day. But one day he went back and his class
    Said to him that he was going to the Royal bee today so he went and what it was well it was like a game. That he won
    And what he won was a cow and a necklace for his mom.

  15. leo says:

    I think the Royal Bee is about rich are being mean to the poor people so Song Ho wanted to be Master Min’s pupil but Master Min said no because Song Ho was poor but then master min let Song Ho join the class and then song ho went to the royal bee. He won a cow for his mom and him so he and his mom can have more food. So I think this book is about helping each other and being nice to others.

  16. Shaynah says:

    I think the main idea of the royal Bee is courage, and truth. I think this because at the end of the story, Song-Ho made it to the royal bee and won by answering this question: “What will it mean to you if you won the royal bee?” Song-Ho had the courage to tell the truth about his family. He said- “My mother works hard in the fields everyday while I came to the school to learn and get more money.” They said he won because he had told the truth. That’s why I think the main idea is truth and courage. You can gain trust. 

  17. Aleia! :) says:

    I think the main idea of The Royal Bee is that if you tell the truth and good will come your way, no matter who you are. I think this because in the text the men said that he won because he told the truth and honesty is what got him far.

  18. Hunter Russell says:

    I think the moral of the story is acceptance, I think this because in the text. A kid named Song-ho a sang-min) it means poor people. He lives with his mom who farms from their crop field ever since his dad died at sea. Every day down in the village the school bell rang, Song-ho wished that he could attend the So-dang school but it was agents the rules to let a Sang-min attend school’s but one day Song-ho followed the bells ring to the village and found himself at So-dang school. He walked up to the door to hear the teaching in the class room since he didn’t know how to read until the teacher master Min slid open the door and saw Song-ho at the door trying to listen to him teaching and master Min told Song-ho to go home, but Song-ho didn’t move so master Min let him listen, for months he listened to him teach so master Min let him come in for a test) each student asked Song-ho questions about Korea and Song-ho answered every question right so master Min let Song-ho attend the So-dang school. Song-ho learned how to read after months of learning and he found out there was a test called the Royal Bee. The class chosen Song-ho to be one of the challengers, after hours of testing Song-ho won the competition. This proves that it doesn’t matter if your rich or poor you could accomplish anything.

  19. Nathan says:

    Hey Mr. purdon i think I read that book before its really good!!!! and i was just wondering how you are. By the way i like the new blog 🙂

  20. Bryson Matthews says:

    I think the book The Royal Bee main idea is never give up. I think this because Song ho didn’t give up when Master Min told him to go home. This tells us Song ho did not care what Master Min told him to go home he just wanted to grow up and make money and help his mother. Also Song ho’s mother didn’t give up when Song ho’s father died. I think this book is fiction because there are no pictures and I don’t think they had spelling bees in this time period. This tells us the main idea is probably never give up.

  21. Rose says:

    The main idea of the book The Royal Bee is don’t judge people by their look. I think this because in the beginning of the book it says that only privileged people get to go to school. This tells us that it was worse living back then than now.

    Also, in the middle of the book when Song-ho went to school for the first time the other students said “ahh!!” and “ohh!!” because Song-ho was wearing rags. This tells us that the students didn’t want Song-ho to be in their school. This proves that you shouldn’t judge people by their looks

  22. Katie says:

    you tolled us you were going to montreal for the march beack and you are probably still there .

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