Where’s Mr. Purdon?

Posted: March 18, 2012 in Language

Well, it’s obvious that I’m not at school, but where am I? Why I am I not at school? What happened? These are questions I want you to try and answer. I want your guesses, theories, and creative tales. Make sure to include the five w’s and lots of details!


When I get back, if I get back, we will compare our stories. Till then, be good! 🙂

  1. Damien says:

    you said that you were going to montreal so you probably are still thereo you probabaly are still there.

  2. markus says:

    you are still in montral mr.purdon

  3. Bryson says:

    Are you at home sick or some thing, or maybe you got stuck in Montreal and did you hear about the volcano in Italy?

  4. Oscar says:

    I think your in Montreal and I know this because on the last day of school you tolled me that you were going to be there. Well your in Montreal did you go shopping a lot with your family

  5. Yolanda says:

    First I think you went on a vacation because it was a long weekend and you are sick that is problebley that is why you didn’t come to school.

  6. dandre says:

    I think the reason that you are not here is because you are in montreal and it’s to much fun to come teach us and you never want to see us again because were all to evil for you, or maybe your traped inside a crazy fan that traped you in there house and locked everything like the doors and windows and will never let you out the pearson could be a freak.

  7. Cody says:

    I thought that maybe you were to tired to get out of bed and come to school or forgot that Mrs.Reimer was gone to take us inside. There is even the possibility that you got caught up in the Montreal riots by the university students, or that was you’re smashed up car on the news from the St.Patrick’s Day?

  8. shamael says:

    I think you are not here today with us at school because ,maybe you went to Vancouver for your March break and you really enjoyed your time ,and on the last day of your trip Sam was sick ,and you walk up very late because your flight was at 3 am and you missed it.

  9. Kadi-Rose says:

    I think the reason why you’re not here is because while you were on your trip, you met up with Randy Orton and now you’re pretending to be him in the WWE. OR, someone in Montreal decided to shave their initials in your hair and it looks funny and you don’t want us to see because you think we might laugh. But that’s highly doubtful because I don’t think you have enough hair for that, no offence. Something a bit more likely: You’re having a great time where ever you are and you really don’t want to see us just yet. No, I’m kidding, I really hope that’s not why you’re not here.
    Okay, I honestly think you’re not here because either you got stuck in Montreal for another day, you missed your flight back, you never left, you wanted to stay longer, or you’re sick. The possibilities are pretty much endless. Well, hope everything’s okay!

  10. Gemma says:

    I think that you are not here because of the protestors in Montreal. You did mention that you were going to Montreal and we read in the newspaper that there were protestors… or it’s something simple, like you’re sick. I’m not really sure.
    (P.S. I’m sorry, but my email wasn’t working)

  11. Thomas says:

    Im assuming that Mr.Purdon is still in Montreal. You are probably not at school because you have grown a beard over the week and you didn’t shave it. Or your hair stylist misunderstanded you and he shaved you bald. Also, you might of went to a concert and you couldn’t get the song out of your head.

  12. Zachery says:

    Maybe you’re still in Montreal pretending to be the Randy Orton or something just to make $money$. You do look like him. Also you could be getting all us nice kids stuff from stores there, but you cant load them on your truck. 

  13. Adam says:

    I think that mr.Purdon is not here beacause he was sick for part of the march break and he is better bu wants to make up some of the time he lost. Also i think your have a relaxing day well are brains work hard doing math ad all sorts of stuff.

  14. Shaynah says:

    Well, I would say that your probably on a extra day off for March break. I would say you were sick,
    but then, how would you know that you were going to be sick on Monday ?
    This is SO confusing. 😦 – think think think think think
    Perhaps your at a workshop? Hmmm. A meeting? No, because then all the teachers would be gone. I really don’t know.

    ??????? 😦

  15. Hunter Russell says:

    I think Mr. Purdon is not at school because he wants to relax well our brains explode from doing math. And by doing this he is probably skiing out of town. Thanks for leaving us here.

  16. Nadia says:

    I believe you are not at school because your flight was canceled. I believe this because my niece is stuck in Winnipeg because of the bad weather .

  17. Eric says:

    I think Mr. Purdon is not at school because maybe he is on vacation having fun and relaxing. He is probebly doing some kind of activities like skating or relaxing at the beach.

  18. Raja says:

    You are not at school because you are gone to Montreal i know that because the last day of school befor the march break you said you where going to Montreal with you family. What happened was you when to have a fun march break 🙂

  19. taylor says:

    I think mr purdon is having fun and go skiing well we have to go to school and where is he I don’t know maybe at home playing on the xbox.and we have to do math to and a holl lot of other suff to

  20. Keira says:

    I think mr. purdon is probaly still at home, he’s obviously at home and he what to see what’s our opions or see what we think. Maybe he got a day off from school , but he got a couple days off it was march break, or he’s sleeping at home or doing something very important and got the whole day off.

  21. chaslee says:


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