Archive for April 25, 2012

Tasks for the day

Posted: April 25, 2012 in Language
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I have a few things I would like you to do today.

The first is to see if you notice anything new on the blog and whether you are familiar with it.Tell me what it is and what you know about it.

The second is to look at the cluster map of our followers and make some comments on where in the world people are hitting our blog from. It’s pretty amazing when you think about where people might be reading your comments from.

Lastly, I have sent an invitation to your email for a few of you about a new site I might use. Check your email and accept the invitation if you got one. I selected about 10 people at random. Next try and add to my canvas. If it seems like a cool thing we can use I will invite all the class to our group site. I first want to see if it is effective.